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<text>武汉国际会展中心</text> |
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<text>2021.07.31 - 2022-11-30</text> |
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<view class="w-name">保时捷Porsche-Panamera 4S E-Hybrid 行政加长版</view> |
<view class="w-address">武汉光谷保时捷中心</view> |
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<view class="w-price">140万</view> |
<view class="w-oldPrice">市场价约为¥157万</view> |
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<view class="w-name">保时捷Porsche-Panamera 4S E-Hybrid 行政加长版</view> |
<view class="w-address">武汉光谷保时捷中心</view> |
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<view> |
<view class="w-price">140万</view> |
<view class="w-oldPrice">市场价约为¥157万</view> |
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<view class="buy-btn">立即抢购</view> |
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<view class="project-name line1">{{item.title}}</view> |
<view class="tag">IT软件·网站建设</view> |
<view class="desc">{{item.detailedDescription}}</view> |
<view class="buy-btn" bindtap="toResourcesDetail" data-id="{{}}">了解详情</view> |
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<view class="company-name fz28">{{item.enterpriseName}}</view> |
<view class="company-name fz24">成为奋斗者的家园</view> |
<view class="tags-box acea-row"> |
<view class="tag-item fz20">网站建设</view> |
<view class="tag-item fz20 bgG">网站建设</view> |
<view class="tag-item fz20 bgO">网站建设</view> |
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<view class="project-name">公司企业网站建设 wab网站...</view> |
<view class="tag">IT软件·网站建设</view> |
<view class="desc">可在现有网站基础上进行界面与功能的优化升级,多种视觉风格可供挑选。</view> |
<view class="buy-btn">了解详情</view> |
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<view class="company-info acea-row row-column row-between"> |
<view class="company-name fz28">焦点科技</view> |
<view class="company-name fz24">成为奋斗者的家园</view> |
<view class="tags-box acea-row"> |
<view class="tag-item fz20">网站建设</view> |
<view class="tag-item fz20 bgG">网站建设</view> |
<view class="tag-item fz20 bgO">网站建设</view> |
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<text>进入企业</text> |
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<view class="item" wx:for="{{demandList}}" wx:key="index" bindtap="toNeedDetail" data-id="{{}}"> |
<view class="item-top"> |
<view class="project-name">{{item.title}}</view> |
<view class="desc">{{item.detailedDescription}}</view> |
<view class="tags-box tags-box2 acea-row"> |
<view class="tag-item fz20">网站建设</view> |
<view class="tag-item fz20 bgG">网站建设</view> |
<view class="tag-item fz20 bgO">网站建设</view> |
</view> |
<view class="price">{{}}</view> |
</view> |
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<view class="item-top"> |
<view class="project-name">公司企业网站建设 wab网站...</view> |
<view class="desc">可在现有网站基础上进行界面与功能的优化升级,多种视觉风格可供挑选。</view> |
<view class="tags-box tags-box2 acea-row"> |
<view class="tag-item fz20">网站建设</view> |
<view class="tag-item fz20 bgG">网站建设</view> |
<view class="tag-item fz20 bgO">网站建设</view> |
</view> |
<view class="price">¥20,000</view> |
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