9 changed files with 300 additions and 19 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
<template> |
<view class="course-detail-index"> |
<view v-if="$store.getters.token || userInfo.uid"> |
<view class="swiper-box"> |
<view class="swiper-item"> |
<image :src="detail.imageArr[0]" mode="aspectFill" :key="index"></image> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="course-info-box"> |
<view class="course-title acea-row row-between-wrapper"> |
<view>{{detail.courseName}}</view> |
<view class="price" v-if="detail.price == 0">公开课</view> |
<view class="price" v-if="detail.price > 0 && detail.price < 199">¥{{detail.price}}</view> |
</view> |
<view class="tips-box"> |
<view class="tip-item blue">{{detail.categoryName}}</view> |
<view class="tip-item orange">{{detail.levelName}}</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="course-desc-box content" id="content2"> |
<view class="title-box acea-row row-middle"> |
<view class="left-line"></view> |
<span>课程表</span> |
</view> |
<view class="course-card-list"> |
<view class="course-card-item acea-row row-middle"> |
<image src="../../static/course-icon5.png"></image> |
<view class="label">课程类型</view> |
<view class="info">{{detail.courseType == 0 ? '线下课程' : '直播课程'}}</view> |
</view> |
<view class="course-card-item acea-row row-middle"> |
<image src="../../static/course-icon1.png"></image> |
<view class="label">课程时间</view> |
<view class="info">{{detail.courseStartTime}} 至 {{detail.courseEndTime}}</view> |
</view> |
<view class="course-card-item acea-row row-middle"> |
<image src="../../static/course-icon2.png"></image> |
<view class="label">课程地点</view> |
<view class="info">{{detail.coursePlace}}</view> |
</view> |
<view class="course-card-item acea-row row-middle"> |
<image src="../../static/course-icon3.png"></image> |
<view class="label">签到时间</view> |
<view class="info">{{detail.signStartTime}} 至 {{detail.signEndTime}}</view> |
</view> |
<view class="course-card-item acea-row row-middle"> |
<image src="../../static/course-icon4.png"></image> |
<view class="label">报名截止</view> |
<view class="info">{{detail.enterEndTime}}</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
</view> |
<view class="sign-btn" @click="signIn">立即签到</view> |
</view> |
<Authorization v-else /> |
</view> |
</template> |
<script> |
import Authorization from '@/pages/authorization/index' |
import { mapState, mapGetters, mapMutations, mapActions } from 'vuex' |
import { getCourseDetail ,enterCourse, signCourse } from '@/api/knowledge'; |
import { handleQrCode, handleUrlParam, getCurrentPageUrlWithArgs } from '@/utils' |
export default{ |
components: { |
Authorization, |
}, |
data(){ |
return { |
courseId: '', |
detail: [] |
} |
}, |
computed:{ |
userInfo(){ |
return this.$store.getters["userInfo"] |
}, |
}, |
onLoad(){ |
let url = handleQrCode() |
if (!url) { |
url = handleUrlParam(getCurrentPageUrlWithArgs()) |
} |
console.log(url) |
if (url && url.id) { |
this.courseId = url.id |
} |
if(this.userInfo.uid && this.courseId){ |
this.getDetail() |
} |
}, |
methods:{ |
getDetail(){ |
uni.showLoading({ |
title:'正在加载中...' |
}) |
let nowTime = Date.parse(new Date())/1000; |
getCourseDetail({id:this.courseId}).then((res)=>{ |
uni.hideLoading() |
res.data.courseIntroduce = res.data.courseIntroduce.replace(/\<img/g, "<img style='width: 100%;'") |
this.detail = res.data |
let t = res.data.signEndTime.replace(/-/g, '/'); |
let endTime = Date.parse(new Date(t))/1000 |
this.times = endTime - nowTime; |
this.day = Math.floor(this.times / (60 * 60 * 24)); |
this.hour = Math.floor(this.times / (60 * 60)) - (this.day * 24); |
this.minute = Math.floor(this.times / 60) - (this.day * 24 * 60) - (this.hour * 60); |
this.second = Math.floor(this.times) - (this.day * 24 * 60 * 60) - (this.hour * 60 * 60) - (this.minute * 60); |
// console.log(this.times) |
uni.stopPullDownRefresh() |
}) |
}, |
signIn(){ |
signCourse(this.courseId).then((res)=>{ |
if(res.success){ |
uni.showModal({ |
title:'提示!', |
content:'签到成功!' |
}) |
} else{ |
uni.showToast({ |
title:res.msg, |
icon:'none', |
duration:5000 |
}) |
} |
}) |
}, |
} |
} |
</script> |
<style lang="less"> |
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width: 100%; |
min-height: 100vh; |
padding-bottom: 200rpx; |
box-sizing: border-box; |
} |
.swiper-box{ |
width: 100%; |
height: 340rpx; |
.swiper-item{ |
width: 100%; |
height: 100%; |
image{ |
width: 100%; |
height: 100%; |
} |
} |
swiper{ |
height: 100%; |
.swiper-item{ |
width: 100%; |
height: 100%; |
image{ |
width: 100%; |
height: 100%; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
.course-info-box{ |
box-sizing: border-box; |
padding: 30rpx 30rpx 50rpx; |
background: #fff; |
.course-title{ |
font-size: 40rpx; |
font-weight: 500; |
color: #333333; |
line-height: 56rpx; |
margin: 0rpx 0 20rpx; |
.price{ |
color: #EA533E; |
} |
} |
.tips-box{ |
display: flex; |
.tip-item{ |
min-width: 60rpx; |
height: 34rpx; |
text-align: center; |
line-height: 34rpx; |
font-size: 24rpx; |
padding: 0 5rpx; |
border-radius: 5rpx; |
} |
.blue{ |
color: #6E85EB; |
border: 1px solid #6E85EB; |
background: #EDEFF8; |
} |
.orange{ |
margin-left: 10rpx; |
border: 1px solid #F99C10; |
color: #F99C10; |
background: #FFEDCC; |
} |
} |
} |
.course-desc-box{ |
width: 100%; |
background:#fff; |
border-radius: 8rpx; |
padding: 0rpx 24rpx 30rpx; |
margin-bottom: 20rpx; |
} |
.course-card-item{ |
font-size: 26rpx; |
margin-bottom: 12rpx; |
image{ |
width: 30rpx; |
height: 30rpx; |
} |
.label{ |
color: #999999; |
margin: 0 24rpx 0 16rpx; |
} |
.info{ |
color: #666666; |
} |
} |
.title-box{ |
font-size: 36rpx; |
font-weight: bold; |
color: #3C464F; |
line-height: 50rpx; |
margin-bottom: 20rpx; |
.left-line{ |
width: 6rpx; |
height: 32rpx; |
background-color: #F99C10; |
margin-right: 16rpx; |
} |
} |
.sign-btn{ |
width: 254rpx; |
height: 79rpx; |
background: linear-gradient(180deg, #F7D08E 0%, #ECBE71 100%); |
border-radius: 12rpx; |
text-align: center; |
line-height: 79rpx; |
color: #fff; |
margin: 60rpx auto 0; |
} |
</style> |
Reference in new issue